Bread (brown or white)
mint dip/chutney
Tandoori Tempeh Thins
tomato, sliced
cucumber, sliced
boiled potato, sliced
onion, sliced
Cheese slices
Chaat masala
Heat Tandoori Tempeh Thins on a pan with 1 tbsp of oil (medium flame) for 90 seconds on each side. Or even more if you like them crispy. Keep aside.
Butter both sides of the bread slices generously.
Layer the flavors: Spread a layer of mint chutney, followed with tomato slices, potato slices, and cucumber slices. Sprinkle with salt, red chilli powder and chaat masala.
Place the grilled Tandoori Tempeh Thins on top.
Add a slice of cheese. Place the other bread slice on top and grill or toast the sandwich until golden brown and crispy.
Cut the sandwich in half and enjoy! Serve with some crisps, tomato ketchup, or your choice of sauce.
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